Accent Magazine: Summer 2023

A Documentary on the Legacy of the Sisters of Saint Francis

Written by Neumann University | Jun 30, 2023 8:15:31 PM

Adjunct Professor Sara McDermott Jain is leading the production of a documentary on the history of the Sisters of Saint Francis and their legacy. The project is expected to be a two-year process of collecting stories, reviewing archives, and interviewing Sisters about their mission and values. The goal is to create an inspiring full-length film depicting their history and how the mission continues today through new leaders.

The film will capture the impact of the Sisters and educate the public about how they have truly shaped both history and their surrounding communities. It will look back to share some of the Sisters’ most amazing stories and look forward to focus on how their legacy will continue. The project will illustrate that their most important influence may still be yet to come.

Thanks to the generosity of President Phil Goropoulos, CHI-St. Joseph Children’s Health has made a significant donation to support this project.