Counseling Center dealing with surge of students seeking services
Neumann University’s Counseling Center for Wellness has recently been overwhelmed by the large influx of student patients. Located next to Mirenda Center, the counseling center currently consists of four counselors, with two being full-time and two part-time, along with one full-time clinician. The ratio of staff to students is currently shorthanded, and with many students dealing with mental health struggles, the need for counselors is at an all-time high.
Nena Stetson, the Director of Counseling, states “I think that the awareness [of mental health] was so much heightened [during the pandemic] and so then it’s created this surge of people who are seeking services.”
She notes that, as of November 8, “64 students have scheduled sessions with a counselor/therapist (363 total appointments)” and that the “Counseling Center for Wellness also conducts outreach events each month. In September we had 175 participants, and in October 147 participants."
The mission of the CCW is to provide a safe and inclusive place for students to help encourage the spiritual, intellectual, cultural, and social development of students. The center offers services to help destigmatize mental health and create an open conversation around the topic of mental health issues and counseling. Many different services are provided including individual therapy sessions for personal, relationship, or developmental concerns, as well as drop-in consultations to aid students in their growth.
While the counseling center offers services to all full-time and part-time Neumann University students, a wait list consisting of 30 students had been an issue the center has dealt with for three months, until recently.
One NU student stated, “I wish the counseling center had more counselors and more hour flexibility."
To combat the overwhelming number of students in need of counseling, the counseling center recently hired a new clinician, Libby Pollak, a Pa Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
When the previous counselor left office in early August, a position for the clinician was opened. After interviewing several candidates in early September, the interview team had offered Pollak a position.
According to Stetson, in the state of Pa., licensed therapists “are legally and ethically obligated to give ample notice to either discharge or transition clients to another clinician…there is a high demand for licensed therapists right now, so these are not easy positions to fill.”
Due to these requirements, both parties agreed for Pollak to begin on November 7th.
With the new addition to the staff, the issue with students waiting to schedule appointments have been addressed. Currently, there is no longer a waiting list.
Stetson was hopeful that the counseling center had been able to hire a contracted counselor as well as partnered with TimelyCare, an alternative to the Counseling Center at Neumann, offering up to nine virtual counseling sessions. By mid-December, a counselor is set to return to Neumann after being on leave for several months, further increasing the number of staff. Stetson implied further action to revamp the Counseling Center has been instilled, and she is hopeful that her plans to expand the center will be accomplished by January.
With students partaking in using the services the center offers, many other students who may not be familiar with counseling may ponder what topics and issues are discussed.
Stetson identified the most common issues students seek counseling for includes depressive and anxious symptoms, transitioning to a college lifestyle and individualism, issues with relationships, self-discovery, and academic struggles.
These services are open to all NU students and despite the counseling crisis the center is currently facing, many students have had positive experiences with their service.
Another student stated, "The NU Counseling Center has helped me with some problems I was having after the loss of my grandma. I would recommend it to any and every student."
For anyone interested in requesting an appointment with the counseling center, information for applications can be found at Renewal of applications must be completed yearly.
(Brandon Wiggins also contributed to this article)
Editor’s note: Students who commented for this article were not identified to respect their privacy.