In honor of Earth Month, celebrate the beauty of nature with Neumann students!
{% module_block...Spring Break Slideshows

Over Spring break week (3/03-3/10), student clubs and organizations participated in many activities trips, and projects, ranging in distance from local to international. Check out what your fellow Knights are up to!
During Spring break (3/3-3/10), Neumann softball headed south to the sunshine state for their season opener weekend! The Knights went 4-6 in Clermont, Florida. Photo: Jenna Calchiz
Stop at Bucee's in North Carolina for dinner. Photo: Courtney McKenna.
Team bonding at a Phillies game in Clearwater. Phillies beat the Astros 6-3! Photo: Bri Reim.
Katela Villasenor scrapping off compound and leveling the floor so the group could lay new flooring. Photo: Ashley Neff
Sheylen Mendez doing the morning devotion. She shared her morning prayer for the RCIA program she's completing right now! Photo: Ashley Neff
Group activity where students had to budget meals for one week. Photo: Ashley Neff
Over spring break, Neumann students got the chance to explore Madrid, Spain as part of the CDM class: Race, Diversity & Media. Photo: Victor Betancourt
Neumann Students visited "El Pais," a Spanish newspaper. Photo: Victor Betancourt.
During Spring Break, Neumann Cybersecurity students traveled to Dublin, Ireland as part of a interactive learning experience! Photo: Neumann CGE Instagram (@neumanncge)
Neumann Cybersecurity students pictured in Dublin, Ireland over spring break!