NeuReflections | Neumann University

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Written by Ally Bee '21 | Mar 27, 2020 4:46:19 PM

This Sunday’s Gospel reading is about a man named Lazarus, who was the brother of Mary, a woman who had been very good to Jesus. When Jesus heard of his passing, he immediately wanted to awaken him. He spoke several times of the glory of God and the Resurrection. The Lord did as he wished and went to the tomb of the recently deceased and raised him from the dead. After this, the people began to believe in him that he was the Son of God.

I think this week’s reading is very relevant to what is going on in today’s society with COVID-19. A lot of people are sick and hopeless, some even fearful of what kind of doom may be coming. Others simply are ignorant or do not care about it. Throughout the reading, Jesus mentioned several times that whoever believed in him will see the glory of God. So, with the threat of the virus globally, people need to trust in God. When I was in grade school one of my teachers told us a story that really stuck with me. She finished the story with this quote: “If God puts you to it, he’ll put you through it.” I turn to this quote whenever I am in a stressful time or a what seems to be a hopeless situation. The truth is that God truly does have a plan for everyone, and He will not put you through anything that you cannot handle. God will not put you through a challenge if He does not think you can overcome it.

I currently work in a hospital where there are confirmed cases of Coronavirus. In my job as a pharmacy student intern, I am required to go to all the floors in the hospital, including those where there are infected patients and staff who work closely with them. The most challenging part is that patients may come through the Emergency Room without warning and that patients and employees may not show symptoms for almost two weeks. For me, an employee who is also required to come in contact with nurses and other staff that could be unknowingly infected, is concerning. However, with all the concern and worry I know that if I do my part, God will do his. And although I may not know what his plan is for me just quite, yet I think I am on the correct path as to who he wants me to be.