NeuReflections | Neumann University

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Written by Gabriella Smith '21 | Mar 5, 2021 3:00:12 PM

Laws are a part of every society, however we as Catholics have a few more laws that are a part of our history and Church. These laws have been passed down through generations, and we are expected to follow them to this day. These special laws are called the Ten Commandments. Growing up, I was taught the Ten Commandments at a young age in grade school. As I am preparing to graduate college, the Ten Commandments are still imprinted in my memory. Growing up and hearing the Ten Commandments regularly definitely helped shape me into the person I am today.

And now, I have come full circle. Currently I am a student teaching in a Catholic grade school, and I am teaching my students about the Ten Commandments. As any eight-year-old would be, they are curious. Curious as to why God created these laws. Curious as to why just 10 and not more or less. Curious as to why those specific laws. It is an honor to share my knowledge with my students and help them understand the Ten Commandments a little bit better.

Hearing the questions they ask and hearing them be so curious makes me think of when I was their age and learned the Ten Commandments. It is exciting that I am able to share what I have learned over my nearly 16 years of Catholic education with my kiddos. It is super rewarding to be able to sit and tell stories of when I was their age to help them learn better. Of course, when I share my stories, they think I am just old, but I never forgot anything I learned over the years and I enjoy sharing it with them.

Although I enjoy my time with my students almost every day, the best part of my week is going to Mass on Sundays. By going to Mass, I feel at peace and at home. Sundays are the most relaxed day due to the opportunity to spend extra time with our God. Just as it is said in the first reading, “Six days you may labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord your God, no work shall be done.” We need to take this, and implement it into our daily life, and not just relax on Sundays, but take time to focus on what is most important in life, pray and thank God for all the goodness he has created in our lives.