NeuReflections | Neumann University


Written by Clare Devine | Jun 3, 2013 10:29:00 PM

When you see an incredible hustle and all-out effort from an athlete as the odds are stacked up against him or her, and the unimaginable occurs, we are inspired with a rekindled hope in the human spirit and a gratitude for something more.  Just think about all of the proof we have from inspirational movies, YouTube clips, articles and sports coverage, which remind us time and time again that “great moments are born from great opportunity” (Herb Brooks, Miracle).  Yet, when the bricks keep piling up, when the time ticks off the clock, when our team is down in points, why do we lose hope, why do athletes give up?  Why do we determine the end results before the game is already over?  Those who don’t give up have a deep seated hope and a will to win.  Those who play to the last whistle, who give everything they have to the game, remind us with their buzzer beater baskets and more that we never know what could happen if we just lay it on the line with a little bit of hope.  Anything is possible, and it ain’t over ‘til the last whistle blows…

Note for clip: Watch the goalkeeper in green (save no. 6 of his top 10). 

Note for clip: These two teams are playing in a highly touted semifinal and are tied (although the score is noted otherwise), with no knowledge of additional stoppage time on the official clock as they have exceeded the added on stoppage time (in soccer, the clock runs but the officials keep track of game stops for goals, injuries, etc. which they add on at the end).