NeuReflections | Neumann University

Anthony Gargano on youth sports: “A strong circle will rise”

Written by Jeffrey B. Eisenberg | Jul 29, 2014 4:59:00 PM

“Whether [your] circle is a team, whether the circle is a family, when that circle is strong and that circle is together, that circle will rise, and that circle will achieve.”

In a fitting introduction to the 2014 Soul of Youth Sport symposium in June, Anthony Gargano reached out to athletic coaches and administrators to remind us that, in working with youth sports, we serve as extended families. Gargano, the well-known Philadelphia sports radio host from 94WIP CBS Radio, joined the Institute and the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) to focus everyone’s attention on the unique ways that those involved in athletics can impact children’s lives.

During the keynote, Gargano discussed the roles of coaching, Catholic education, and the lessons children can learn from positive experiences in sports. Watch his full presentation below!