NeuReflections | Neumann University

Be Prepared

Written by Clare Devine | Aug 12, 2013 10:05:00 PM

With preseason fast approaching for high school and collegiate fall sports, it is only fitting to send a “shout out” for good luck.  You’ve been waiting since the last day of last season for this fresh start and new opportunity.  You’ve been waiting to either even the score from last season, or continue your streak of success.  If you have been committed to the cause and to the team, you have not only been waiting, but you’ve also been preparing.

Part of the excitement of opening a new season is the hope that anything can happen.  At some point into the season, many will lose sight of the once unabashed support or high expectations.  Do not lose hope – for if you do, you will be missing out on more than just an opportunity to turn things around.  It is during the challenges when you need to lean most on that unwavering commitment and preparation which fueled your underlying belief.  Put your hopes into action; get the work done with your best effort and allow the results to take care of themselves.  When you have prepared as an individual and as a team, you are able to ride out the losses to turn those missteps into productivity, instead of self-pity and blame games.

I challenge you to be productive in all that you do this season – check your thoughts, check your words, check your actions… are they for the betterment of the team?