NeuReflections | Neumann University

A Time for Everything

Written by Maria Marx, MSW | Jun 29, 2020 8:17:19 PM

"There is a time for everything; a season for every activity under the sun."
Ecclesiastes 3:1
It’s been hard to keep track of time these days. When we release our fixation on time into God’s hands, we can function on God’s time - where grace and peace are abundant.

Can you release yourself to God’s time?

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On the Search retreat, time is "stopped" to focus on God's time, here is a reflection on how to transform our time into God's time.

God is Good!

Take some time to listen to Fr. Suresh's homily for the thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Feeling inspired to spend more time in quiet reflection this month? St. Raphaela Center, where we host several retreats, offers live-streamed adoration from their beautiful chapel! While you're on their website, check out the virtual retreats and prayer groups they have to offer.

CM Picks for the Week
Book: Thank You for Being Late by Thomas Friedman
YouTube: Prayerful Ponderings of Friar Paul Dressler
(Celebrant of Last Year's Mass of the Holy Spirit!)