NeuReflections | Neumann University

Doubt & Mercy: Spiritual Resources for Easter

Written by Maria Marx, MSW | Apr 12, 2021 12:18:04 PM

In His hands, His side, 
An invitation to Hope. 
An invitation to Love. 
An invitation to Joy. 

Reflect with Us!

"Have faith, believe in Jesus, and look at the beauty around us and know that Jesus loves us and is with us always." Read more from Dr. Feil here

Doubting Thomas? Take a look at this perspective on how we can relate to Thomas' doubt and faith. 

As the trial of Derick Chauvin continues, consider praying this novena. (A novena is a is an ancient prayer tradition consisting of prayer for a specific intention over the course of nine days​​​​​​​). 

Save this image to your phone, and look at it whenever you begin to doubt God's love for you! 

Student Initiatives

The NU Honors Society will be facilitating a  Spring Animal Shelter Drive for the Brandywine Valley SPCA Animal Shelter starting this Monday, April 12th through friday, April 23rd. Their goal is to raise $500 worth of donations for the animal shelter to aid in taking care of their shelter needs, cat season needs, and pet supplies.Thinking about adopting? Visit for more information! For additional Wishlist items/shelter needs, visit:

Earth Month 2021

One day is not enough for us to celebrate earth and learn new ways to be good stewards! Check out the events happening this week!

Talking Trash for Neumann Earth Day
April 13 at 11:30am  

CM Picks for the Week 

Book: Strength in What Remains: A Journey of Remembrance and Forgiveness by Tracey Kidder

Podcast: Another Name for Every Thing 

Music: Sunny Day Playlist