NeuReflections | Neumann University

We are an Easter people!

Written by Maria Marx, MSW | Apr 14, 2020 4:29:23 PM

"Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song." - Pope John Paul II 

Reflection on Holy Week and Easter by Sr. Linda DeCero, OSF 

Sr. Linda reflects on our invitation to be resurrection people using one of her favorite songs, You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban. 

In Case You Missed It:

Fr. Suresh shared his reflections for each day of the Triduum and Sr. Marguerite shared an inspiring Easter message with the Neumann community. 

Let's continue to build community! 

Join us for "Virtual Campus Ministry" on Thursday, April 16 at 12:00PM. Click the link above to join the video chat!

A Poem for All that Life Brings 

This podcast episode reflects on Joy Harjo's poem "Praise the Rain" and encourages us to reflect on the question, "What can you praise today?" 

What do you see when you look at the picture below?

Recently, in an attempt to appease Patrick, my very social three-year-old nephew, my sister-in-law, Shawna, explained that no, they could not go to the park, or to visit Nana or out to dinner because, “The world is sick.” Since then, Patrick has earnestly asked, “Is the world still sick?” in hopes that maybe, the world is “all better” and he can get back to his normal social life. As I look at this picture, I see Christ holding our sick world. I take comfort in knowing that God’s tight, warm embrace is around all of us - the old who are sick, the brave who are providing care, the patient who are teaching at home, the lonely who long for companionship, the young who just want the world to be all better. - Maria Marx, Associate Director of Campus Ministry

Take some time to pray through art and share your reflections. 

Project Home is in need of masks for residents. Learn how to make them at home and check out other service projects you can do from your home

Campus Ministry's Top Picks for this Week:

YouTube: Some Good News with John Krasinski 

Movie: I Can Only Imagine (Available on Prime Video) 

Book: The Happiness Project 

Happy Easter!