A magazine for NEUMANN UNIVERSITY alumni, family, and friends

Accent, Summer 2023, Volume 51, No. 2 - View past issues

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Students March against Gun Violence

Scores of students expressed their concern with the epidemic of gun violence in the country on April 5th. A crowd of approximately 110 students, faculty, staff, and Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia gathered on the front lawn of the Mirenda Center where a grieving mother, a state legislator, several students, and Dr. Chris Domes addressed the impact of gun violence and possible solutions to the problem.

“Am I next?” Judith Colt, a junior Psychology major, asked the crowd. She reminded everyone of the long list of school shootings – from Sandy Hook and Parkland to Uvalde and Michigan State – that she has seen in her young life. “Demand action from your local members of Congress. Demand gun laws that require the registration of firearms and background checks. Please use your voice for those whose voices were taken too early,” she said.