
Meet the 2024-2025 SGA Board Members

Written by Tracy Nguyen | May 6, 2024 12:00:00 PM

SGA, the Student Government Association, takes on new changes with a change in senators and their executive board.  

Previously composed of roughly 17 members, the new SGA board has shrunk significantly in size, with only 7 members being inducted into positions during the Leadership Awards on Thursday, April 18.  

During the 2023-2024 school year, SGA supported changes in dining hall services, volunteer projects, discussed budgeting for the current and upcoming school year, and hosted events that engaged student involvement.  

While SGA members facilitated changes throughout the school year, many students were not aware of who exactly the senators and executive board consisted of.  

With the spring 2024 semester ending, Neumann University is about to usher in a new change in leadership roles on campus. Read below to meet the new executive board and senators for SGA 2024-2025 with a NeuPress exclusive interview! 

The 2024-2025 SGA board consists of President Quron White, Vice President Tamia Williams, Executive Treasurer Anthony Tuwacha, Executive Secretary Michael Lee, Executive Director of Marketing and Media Lanasia Boyd-Miller, Senator for School of Nursing and Health Sciences Vy Nguyen, and Senator for Athletics and Recreation Alyssa Papasodero. 

Some interviews were conducted in person while others were conducted over email. For interviews conducted over email, minor edits have been made to modify answers.  

President: Quron White  

NeuPress: Please introduce yourself stating your name, year, major, and position on SGA 2024-2025. 

White: Hi my name is Quron White. My major is psychology. I am a junior and I am currently the Vice President of SGA. My position next year will be President of SGA. 

NeuPress: Why did you want to join SGA?  

White: I wanted to join SGA starting my freshman year because I never joined in my high school and thought it would be cool to finally take up and join during my college years. I wanted to join during my college years because I saw it as an opportunity for me to grow leadership-wise and it was something I always wanted to try out. 

NeuPress: What changes do you hope to bring to Neumann?  

White: I hope to better Neumann’s overall communication from student to student, from higher-ups to students, and higher-ups to higher-ups as well. I hope to show students the power they have on this campus and show them the capabilities they have as well like as far as the initiatives they could start, the voice that they have that they choose to show. [I want to give them] the full experience of what they pay for at Neumann University.  

NeuPress: Who inspires you the most on campus? 

White: There’s a good couple of people that inspire me on campus. I guess starting with my friend group, my guy Aamir. He inspires me. That’s one of my role models. He keeps me on my feet and stuff. I also have my friend Kyheem. He inspires me as well. My other friend Oluwatimilehin. He inspires me and I call him my strongest soldier...Nini, also she was the recent President. Higher ups-wise I would say Gui. Gui inspires me...Syncere [also] inspires me. That’s a good brother right there. 

NeuPress: What is your favorite thing about Neumann?  

White: My favorite thing about Neumann is the opportunity. Since I've been here I’ve been to four different states not even out of my pocket...I started my own initiatives. I semi-started my own club and stuff...the staff is very kind and welcoming. I love all my teachers. I love all the friends that I’ve met here. Just the overall environment is really great. Definitely a place where I've grown and prospered.  

NeuPress: What other clubs, organizations, or leadership positions do you hold on campus?  

White: I’m a part of KST, E-Sports, [a] Presidential Ambassdor, RA of Glen riddle, SGA, Cogwell, Active Minds, Vice President of It’s On US. I work for Jess as a conference assistant, I’m an orientation leader...a part of ministry as well...FJC, [and] a part of the honors program.  

NeuPress: How do you plan to use your leadership to help students?  

White: I plan to use my leadership to help students like the same thing I said as with my overall goal with SGA is. Just to show students that they have a voice and to make them comfortable enough to speak up and to come to SGA with their concerns and problems and stuff so we can use our platform to expand their voice. The main thing I wrote on my SGA proposal was to be a beacon of opportunity because I just want to show students that you're here for a reason, you’re paying money, so you might as well use the resources available to you. 

NeuPress: Do you have any ideas or events planned for the new semester? If so, what are they?  

White: One of the main ideas I have for next semester is to definitely do another poem night...I was a part of the Creative Writing Club, but I love poetry. They recently had a poem night, so I would definitely want to make sure it happens again. Besides that, I would just work with SGA on planning homecoming and stuff. Just doing like miny, miny little gatherings and stuff to get students engaged and stuff. Nothing big off the top of my head right now. We're gonna do most of the planning and the summer and stuff but right now, just some poetry night, some little kickbacks, like maybe late-night kickball and dodgeball. Just some fun stuff to get people engaged. 

NeuPress: Do you have any other things you want to tell students about yourself or any other additional comments? 

White: Yeah, I can definitely say that I love to talk. If you come up to me, I will never turn you down or or ignore you. Just make sure that I actually hear you. I consider myself an approachable person. I know sometimes my face can come off as standoffish, but I love being approached and asked questions. If I can't answer your question, I always refer you to somebody else. I wanna be that beacon so people can come to if they need help. I'm here to help.  

Vice President Tamia Williams  

NeuPress: Please introduce yourself stating your name, year, major, and position on SGA 2024-2025. 

Williams: My name is Tamia Williams. I am a sophomore psychology major and an entrepreneurship minor. I will serve as Vice President of SGA for the 2024-2025 school year.  

NeuPress: Why did you want to join SGA?  

Williams: I chose to be on SGA to bridge the gap of communication between students and faculty. I wish to create positive change in as many ways as possible.  

NeuPress: What changes do you hope to bring to Neumann?  

Williams: As mentioned above, I would love to see improved communication channels. As well as improved engagement with students in general.  

NeuPress: Who inspires you the most on campus? 

Williams: Ms. T inspires me the most on campus as she is an alumnus herself and has poured life into me when I needed it the most.  

NeuPress: What is your favorite thing about Neumann?  

Williams: My favorite thing about Neumann is the community and how receptive people are to one another.  

NeuPress: What other clubs, organizations, or leadership positions do you hold on campus?  

Williams: I am serving as Orientation Coordinator for the upcoming year.  

NeuPress: How do you plan to use your leadership to help students?  

Williams: I plan to be as receptive and understanding of others' wishes. I will do my very best to serve as a positive solution focus leader.  

NeuPress: Do you have any ideas or events planned for the new semester? If so, what are they?  

Williams: At this time, I do not have any set ideas.  

NeuPress: Do you have any other things you want to tell students about yourself or any other additional comments? 

Williams: I am excited for this upcoming year. I hope that you all will feel comfortable making your voices heard and I will do my best to support your efforts! 

Executive Treasurer: Antony Tuwacha  

NeuPress: Please introduce yourself stating your name, year, major, and position on SGA 2024-2025.  

Tuwacha: [My name is] Tadiwanashe Antony Tuwacha. [I] double major in accounting and cybersecurity. 

NeuPress: Why did you want to join SGA? 

Tuwacha: Enthusiasm to join a student lead board that seeks to bring forth a vibrant campus for students through engaging and entertaining activities. 

NeuPress: What changes do you hope to bring to Neumann? 

Tuwacha: I do not plan to bring any changes, but rather enhance the already existing systems, activities, etc with strategic ideas that make every student's concern heard and executed for the benefit of every other student. 

NeuPress: Who inspires you the most on campus? 

Tuwacha: Professor Graber. 

NeuPress: What is your favorite thing about Neumann? 

Tuwacha: Its generosity and inclusiveness. 

NeuPress: What other clubs, organizations, or leadership positions do you hold on campus? 

Tuwacha: [I am a] peer tutor [for] accounting, [a] peer educator, [the] Secretary [of] CogWell, [and an] ASA member.  

NeuPress: How do you plan to use your leadership to help students? 

Tuwacha: [I plan to] contribut[e] to budget analysis and spending for student organizations, advocate for student organization with proper foundation to get sufficient funding, [and] to foster the RISES values. 

NeuPress: Do you have any ideas or events planned for the new semester? If so, what are they? 

Tuwacha: [I plan on hosting] Multicultural Day [and a] Flag Festival (representing your origin). 

NeuPress: Do you have any other things you want to tell students about yourself or any additional comments? 

Tuwacha: Fun fact: [I] love Accounting and enjoy creative writing. 

NeuPress received no response from Executive Secretary Michael Lee when reaching out for an interview.  

Executive Director of Marketing and Media: Lanasia Boyd-Miller  

NeuPress: Please introduce yourself stating your name, year, major, and position on SGA 2024-2025. 

Boyd-Miller: Lanasia Boyd-Miller, sophomore, biology pre-med, and Executive Director of Marketing and Media. 

NeuPress: Why did you want to join SGA? 

Boyd-Miller: To be the voice of the students in regards with a better living conditions 

NeuPress: What changes do you hope to bring to Neumann? 

Boyd-Miller: More help with maintenance and HRL for students’ advocacy 

NeuPress: Who inspires you the most on campus? 

Boyd-Miller: Jessica Webster. 

NeuPress: What is your favorite thing about Neumann? 

Boyd-Miller: [The] landscape.  

NeuPress: What other clubs, organizations, or leadership positions do you hold on campus? 

Boyd-Miller: RA for the fall and spring of next year 

NeuPress: How do you plan to use your leadership to help students? 

Boyd-Miller: Bringing SGA back on social media and to show students we are here for them 

Senator for School of Nursing and Health Sciences: Vy Nguyen  

NeuPress: Please introduce yourself stating your name, year, major, and position on SGA 2024-2025. 

Nguyen: My name is Vy Nguyen. I am a sophomore Nursing major. This year, I was Senator for Housing and Residence Life. Next semester, I will be Senator for Nursing and Health Science.   

NeuPress: Why did you want to join SGA? 

Nguyen: I wanted to join SGA because I wanted to be more involved on campus. As a freshman, I was not really aware of what was going on campus. I wanted to use my voice as a student and expand to make positive changes here at Neumann University. 

NeuPress: What changes do you hope to bring to Neumann? 

Nguyen: I want to use my ability to advocate for the voice of students. Doing so, I want to make any changes that make Neumann a better experience for all students through our RISES values. 

NeuPress: Who inspires you the most on campus? 

Nguyen: I don't necessarily have one person that inspires, but more so the student body in general. It's amazing the power in quantity and how much we can enforce change when we put our minds together. 

NeuPress: What is your favorite thing about Neumann? 

Nguyen: My favorite thing about Neumann in the community. When I toured other schools, I never really felt that "home" feeling. Neumann opened their arms and I felt that sense of belonging. 

NeuPress: What other clubs, organizations, or leadership positions do you hold on campus? 

Nguyen: On campus, I have several leadership positions. I am currently an RA and will be next year, I am a Nursing Peer Mentor, I am in Student Nursing Association, and I am an Orientation Leader in the summer. 

NeuPress: How do you plan to use your leadership to help students? 

Nguyen: Most of my positions are made to cater to the student body. As an RA, I am able to create a safe and comfortable environment for students living on-campus. As a Nursing Peer Mentor, I am able to use my experiences as a nursing student and I can share them with other students to help and motivate them. 

NeuPress: Do you have any ideas or events planned for the new semester? If so, what are they? 

Nguyen: I do not have specific ideas just because this position is new to SGA and myself. I do, however, plan to host various events throughout the year. 

Senator for Athletics and Recreation: Alyssa Papasodero  

NeuPress: Please introduce yourself stating your name, year, major, and position on SGA 2024-2025. 

Papasodero: [My name is] Alyssa Papasodero, Sophomore, Elementary Education/Special Education, Senator for Athletics and Recreation. 

NeuPress: Why did you want to join SGA? 

Papasodero: I wanted to be in a group that will be heavily involved in chang[es] being made on campus and I though[t] SGA would a good fit for me and my visions. 

NeuPress: What changes do you hope to bring to Neumann? 

Papasodero: I hope to be able to engage the student population more in fun activities across campus and have the students look forward to various events throughout the year. 

NeuPress: Who inspires you the most on campus? 

Papasodero: I would say the faculty in the Education department has been the backbone of my journey so far at Neumann. They take time to get to know each and every student and have set me up for great success. Also, the family I have through the ice hockey team have been big supporters in my successes on and off the ice. 

NeuPress: What is your favorite thing about Neumann? 

Papasodero: My favorite thing about Neumann is the family-like atmosphere and how well I know everyone on campus. 

NeuPress: What other clubs, organizations, or leadership positions do you hold on campus? 

Papasodero: President of Knights for Education, Presidental Ambassador, Treasurer for Neumann Eagles Autism Foundation Chapter Program, Student-Athlete Advisory Committee representative, VP of Delta Epsilon Sigma starting in the fall, and assistant captain of NUWIH. 

NeuPress: How do you plan to use your leadership to help students? 

Papasodero: I want to be someone that students can talk to about things they want to see on campus and and I want to promise them that I can make their ideas come to life. 

NeuPress: Do you have any other things you want to tell students about yourself or any additional comments? 

Papasodero: I have a couple of ideas such as doing fun game nights and different sporting events throughout the year. 

With the new SGA board of members elected, fall 2024 elections will open again for any students interested in joining for any open positions remaining.