In today's fast-paced digital world, access to the internet has become a fundamental requirement...

In today’s digital age a reliable internet connection is essential for students whose work is primarily done online. At Neumann University students have noticed that the WI-FI around campus isn’t always the best. Connection can be spotty, and even at times non-existent.
This is a problem because students on our campus rely on our free wifi to access online resources, submit assignments, and for personal leisure such as watching tv, or playing video games.
Being connected to the internet has become essential to student life, and the spotty connection on campus disrupts the daily routines of students as well as faculty, and most students agree that the WI-FI could definitely be better.
In a poll run on NeuPress’ instagram account ( 12 students voted for the WI-FI being disappointing while only 1 student voted for it being all good.
Several students who requested anonymity expressed their dissatisfaction with the WI-FI on campus:
“The wifi definitely needs an adjustment, its hard to do assignments, in class its sometimes hard to pull up readings.”
“Being a graduate in 2025, since I’ve been here it hasn’t been very strong and is something I hope they work on.”
“I don’t know I don’t live here, but when I am here it sucks.”
“It sucks, I’m trying to get my student planner up as we speak and it won’t load.”
So some students are clearly not satisfied with the connection, but some students did give some credit to the state of the WI-FI:
“I don’t have a problem with it most of the time, but sometimes it is bad, but that’s bound to happen.”
“The worst of it is probably in the Bachmann building, but in the dorms it’s fine for the most part.”
Students identified three main spots on campus as the main dead zones, those being classrooms in Bachmann, primarily those on the 2nd and 3rd floor, the RAB, and in the area around the Mirenda Center.
Despite students being upset with the state of the WI-FI, it was found that our friends in the IT department don’t always hear feedback from students and faculty.
From help desk coordinator Francis Madden:
“We don’t hear much about the wifi that often, we hope that there is never a problem, but if there is a problem please stop by and talk to us or send and email to the help desk. Unfortunately people don’t reach out to us that often so if there is a problem in certain areas please let us know.”
Head of IT Dennis Elko shared similar words encouraging students to reach out whenever there is a problem and also shared his plans to remedy the situation,
“We try our best to cover the campus, and we’ve reached the point where we have coverage down but not so much density, this may be something to consider, we may need more AP’s in certain areas to handle a higher device load.”
“One of the things I want to achieve over the summer is to set up more wired access in the dorms so that the device load for wireless connection around campus can have a lighter burden, if students have their tv’s, computers, and consoles set up through a wired connection, then wireless devices such as phones and laptops will have a much easier time connecting wirelessly, and that is a goal I have in mind.”
With that being said if there are any issues with the wifi, help out our IT department by submitting a ticket through email at or stop by the Helpdesk at the ground level in Bachmann.