Neumann Honors Five Alumni

Written by Neumann University | Nov 15, 2013 5:00:00 AM

Five alumni were honored at the October 19 Alumni Awards and Hall of Fame Recognition Dinner, one of the annual highlights of Neumann’s homecoming weekend.


Regina Lennox ’77 received the Alumni Association Recognition Award. She has been a consultant, speaker and presenter since 1989, working extensively with faith communities, institutions and organizations, providing strategic planning, facilitation, educational and resource development, staff training, motivational seminars, mediation and conflict resolution services.

The Alumni Association John Neumann Award went to Salvatore Mattera ’07 ’09. Mattera is the vice president of store operations for Wawa, Inc. He has worked at Wawa for more than thirty-seven years, starting as a part-time associate in the stores.


Jaclyn Ritter ’01 received the Alumni Association Volunteer of the Year Award. She is program director for Out of School Time programs, school-based community centers that offer an array of creative after-school activities in the late afternoon, early evening, and some Saturdays, aimed at youth development and family support.
The Young Alumni Achievement Award was presented to Jessica Sabato ’12. She is a segment coordinator for The Rachael Ray Show, working with a team that creates and executes show content.


Joan Thomas ’85 was the recipient of the President’s Distinguished Alumni Award. As special consultant to the president at Beebe Medical Center, she has operational oversight for the Margaret H. Rollins School of Nursing, Beebe Home Health Agency, and the Gull House.