Three faculty members have landed invitations to present papers at prestigious conferences in England and the Netherlands this year.
Dr. Lorraine Cavaliere, director of the Ed.D. program, and Dr. Mary Beth Yount, assistant professor of pastoral and theological studies, will co-present "Developing Student Global Understanding and Citizenship through Online Service Learning" on June 26-27 at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. The conference, entitled Teaching Politics and International Relations to the Next Generation, is sponsored by the British International Studies Association, the European Consortium for Political Research, the Political Science Association, and the Academic Association for Contemporary Europe
an Studies. On March 17, Dr. Kathleen Conn, associate professor in the Ed.D. program, will present "Sexual Harassment of Women in Higher Education: Responses from the American Judiciary" at the Oxford Round Table conference on Women and Education. This conference has attracted speakers from the University of Johannesburg (South Africa), the University of London (Oslo, Norway), the University of Queensland (Australia), and several American universities, including Purdue University, the University of Georgia, the University of Maryland, and Virginia Tech.
Dr. Kathleen Conn