Neumann University Launches High-Tech Forensics Lab

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Neumann University Launches High-Tech Forensics Lab

With support from a $258,259 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area federal grant, Neumann University, the Delaware County District Attorney’s Office, and the Aston Police Department launched a high-tech  forensics lab on Neumann’s campus.

Neumann is the first in the region and one of the few in the nation, to have a law enforcement partnership and forensics lab of this kind on its campus. The lab will provide a location for Delaware County law enforcement officers to:

  • conduct forensic investigations of devices suspected to have been used in criminal activity;  
  • examine video surveillance recordings at crime scenes;  
  • and monitor live video cameras to aid police investigating real-time crime. 

Cutting-edge technology in the lab includes a $15,000 Sumuri computer that is custom-made for forensics; a Faraday box to isolate and preserve seized electronic devices; license plate reader software; and three large monitors to view video feeds. 

The forensics lab will also provide internship opportunities for students who major in Cybersecurity. Robert Licciardello, a student who completed an internship while the lab was being built, discovered a crime as he reviewed a video surveillance recording during the first day of his internship.  

View news coverage of the forensics lab on NBC 10