Featuring Neumann's 3 Graduate Education Resources of 2018!

Topics: Business & Information Programs

Published on: 12/19/18 6:12 AM

Featuring Neumann's 3 Graduate Education Resources of 2018!

We've been busy at Neumann University this year, providing you with a variety of educational resources in order to guide you as you consider graduate school.

Check out the three graduate resources the Neumann Team launched in 2018!

unpacking why you should consider a SPECIALIZED BUSINESS DEGREE:

With all the MBAs out there, pursuing a specialized business degree is an excellent alternative to the more traditional route. Holding a specialized business degree has several advantages, including increased job opportunities and more marketable leadership skills!

To learn more about the value of a specialized business degree and to consider if pursuing one is the right choice for you, we encourage you to explore Neumann University's graduate resource page – Unpacking Why You Should Consider a Specialized Business Degree

everything you need to know about a career in SPORT BUSINESS:

Sometimes, knowing the sport isn't enough to land a career in the industry. Learning the business is also essential, especially for those hoping to narrow their specialization and excel in a career in sports!

For a closer look at what it would mean for you to pursue a degree in sport business, check out our digital resource: Everything You Need to Know About a Career in Sport Business

Degree Completion Programs in 2019: Here's What You Need to know:

More than one-third of college students in 2018 are adults (over 7 million), and this statistic is expected to grow by 8 percent by 2026. This data demonstrates the importance of higher education to many adults who are looking to advance their professional careers after taking a break from their education to focus on work, finances, family, and health, among other priorities.

In order to provide adult learners with the information they need in order to make an informed decision about completing their degree, we developed this resource: Degree Completion Programs in 2019: Here's What You Need to Know.

We hope 2018 has been educational for you!

If any of these three resources are of interest to you, we hope you'll take the time to explore them! At Neumann University, we're dedicated to helping you make an informed decision about your future educational journey.

If you have additional questions, don't hesitate to request more information today!

Explore our digital resources by clicking below!

Explore Specialized Business Page

Explore Sport Business Resource

Explore Degree Completion Programs

Kathryn LeConey

 Kathryn LeConey

About The Author: Kathryn LeConey, MS is the Assistant Director of Adult and Graduate Programs at Neumann University. She is a Delaware County native and has worked in Higher Education for five years. As a Graduate Enrollment Management professional, she is passionate about student success and the role that a Graduate education plays in the self-actualization of students.


Download our NEW guide to Earning a College Degree Online

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