Are you thinking about how to transfer colleges?
Do you struggle with staying organized and meeting deadlines?
If so, you're in luck because we're here to help!
We can’t stress how important it is to stay organized and efficient during the transfer process. You’ll have several moving parts to keep track of as you navigate the transfer process, and we want to give you a few pointers on staying on top of your responsibilities!
First, let's talk about time management.
Time management is a valuable skill in all areas of life.
In college, it'll be really important to stay organized in order to meet important deadlines: like turning in your FAFSA paperwork on time, like not procrastinating for that important term paper, like keeping track of various assignments for the multiple classes you're taking.
Learning time management now will make your life easier later. Not to mention that your stress will significantly decrease, allowing your positive college experiences to grow!
Now, let's talk about five super easy tactics for staying organized and meeting deadlines while you navigate the transfer process:
1. Use a calendar.
Some people thrive on using a virtual calendar on their phone or laptop so that they can set alarms and reminders. Others need a physical planner or paper calendar that’s hung up in a place they can’t miss. Whichever is right for you, a calendar will give you a place to mark daily and weekly tasks as well as the important semester deadlines.
2. Prioritize your activities and responsibilities.
You need to finish your work, but you also need to care for yourself. As you plan out your days and weeks, schedule times for studying and your job but mix in time for social activities, exercise, and downtime.
3. Minimize mindless distractions.
Many students struggle to stay on task when they planned to be working. If you find that studying is actually turning into scrolling the internet or other procrastination, make some changes to your environment. Evaluate what times of day you’re most alert and be sure to schedule those as work times. Do you work best in a public space with background noise, such as a cafe, or do you thrive in a silent library corner or alone in your room? Be honest with yourself and choose an atmosphere that works for you.
4. Form sustainable work habits.
When you have a big project or a long paper to finish, divide the work into manageable segments and give yourself personal deadlines for each one. Start several weeks ahead of time and add that work into your weekly schedule so that you finish everything that needs to get done without driving you crazy. When you do sit down for work, try to achieve heavy-duty productivity for half an hour and then take a short break. Save your urges to text, check social media, or stretching your legs for those breaks.
5. Focus on keeping your transfer documents organized.
We get it! You probably feel swamped: You’ve got to coordinate with your two different colleges about grades and paperwork. You might be traveling more to attend transfer events and you have several decisions to make. Not to mention that you’re probably balancing all that with your current classes, homework, and job.
Here are a few pointers for keeping your transfer documents organized:
- Mark all document deadlines on the calendar.
- Try an e-calendar that sends you text or email alerts for the deadlines. Or if you’re a paper person, hang a wall calendar where you’ll notice it every day and make the dates obvious with red ink and big letters.
- Approaching all deadlines, pick a date you’ll fill out paperwork and send it in.
- Schedule time in advance with your parents if you need them to help with any information, such as the FAFSA.
- Always keep a file folder in the same spot in your house and immediately add a copy of each physical document when you receive it.
- Try using an online file storage service, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, that allows you to upload and organize virtual files.
- Use a phone app such as Genius Scan or Cam Scanner that allows you to scan documents and upload them to your email or other online storage.
- Whenever you send a new document in, ask for email confirmation that it was received.
- Create a list of all the transfer paperwork you need to find and send. Whenever you submit a new document, check off the items on your list.
Join the Neumann Community!
Our Team at Neumann University will help you learn how to transfer colleges. Whether you still have some reservations or you already feel confident to jump in with both feet, Neumann is ready to come to your aid!
The digital resource should cover the basics of what you need to know, but don’t hesitate to call us at 610-558-5616 or visit us for more assistance.
We can’t wait to see you on campus!