Is the thought of college getting you pumped?
Are you dreaming about your freshman year?
Are you wondering how to prepare for college now?
Yeah? Well, we have a resource you MUST explore.
At Neumann University, we want to help make the college admissions process as easy and as fun (yes, fun!) as possible. That’s why NU’s Admission professionals put together a digital resource specifically designed for high school students just like you.
This digital resource is broken up into four pathways. Each pathway is designed to help you navigate each year of high school: The Pathway to College — How High School Students Can Best Prepare For College.
Just click your grade and choose your adventure!
With this resource, you’ll learn how to:
- Build a killer college resume
- Research financial aid options
- Prioritize your grades
- Choose the right extracurricular activities
- And so much more!
We hope you’ll check out our new, free digital resource, The Pathway to College — How High School Students Can Best Prepare For College, and let Neumann University help guide you as you finish high school and prepare to tackle your next academic venture!