Getting a College Degree Can Make You a Happier Person — Here's Why

Topics: College Resources

Published on: Jan 9, 2019 10:10:34 AM

Getting a College Degree Can Make You a Happier Person — Here's Why

You've probably heard the following statements: "Having a college degree will increase your overall skill set!" "Having a four-year degree is good for your salary outlook!" "You need a college degree to land a good job!"

Sound familiar? Well, what if we were to tell you that getting a college degree can actually improve your overall satisfaction and can make you a happier person?

Skeptical? Let's dig a little deeper.

College Degree = Increased Self-Satisfaction:

A four-year degree can add significant value to your job and salary outlook, but apart from earning higher salaries and having greater job security, four-year college graduates often report higher levels of of self-satisfaction when evaluating their employment.

A study done by CollegeBoard found that four-year college graduates reported the highest levels of satisfaction in their job, when compared to others with less academic experience. When you're working in a job that you find fulfilling and interesting, which often comes after you've pursued a four-year degree, you're more likely to find satisfaction in your every day life and in yourself!

College Degree = Positive Career Outlook:

High school graduates are three times more likely than college grads to describe their employment as “just a job to get by.” Further, settling for a job that's "just to get by" generally won't allow you to explore your talents, which can potentially leave you feeling stuck in a monotonous career.

College graduates, on the other hand, seem to have a positive outlook on their future careers, with 86 percent of millennial college graduates view their current employment as a career or a “stepping stone to a career,” while only 57 percent of millennial high school graduates feel similarly. 

COLLEGE DEGREE = better overall health:

The benefits do not stop at job satisfaction. An article by Entrepreneur states that college graduates tend to be more productive members of society  happier as well.  

Each one of these factors demonstrates, in part, the value of earning a four-year undergraduate degree. There is not just one area in which graduates of a four-year degree program excel, but the data shows that these candidates possess the necessary skills and education to advance in the workforce — and thrive personally.

Neumann University can help you achieve your goals!

That said, come visit us! We offer undergraduate (and graduate) program options that are designed to prepare you for your dream career — from fields like nursing to business and more. Beyond academics, Neumann also creates a welcoming environment for all students, from those right out of high school to non-traditional learners who want to complete their bachelor’s degrees.

Whether you're a transfer student, an international student, or first-generation college student, Neumann is dedicated to preparing the next generation of leaders — in a variety of ways. At Neumann, we’re excited to get to know you and help you be the best you can be, both professionally and personally.

Explore our digital resource page — Financing Toolkit: A Resource for College-Bound Students — for advice on how to pay for college!

Explore Financing Toolkit

Fran Reed

 Fran Reed

About The Author: Francesca Reed is the Vice President of Enrollment and Marketing at Neumann University. She brings a wealth of experience in overseeing both undergraduate and graduate admissions. Known for her skill in identifying and supporting prospective students throughout their enrollment journey, Francesca is dedicated to making higher education accessible and fulfilling.





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