Pre-professional degrees in college are designed to prepare college students for a professional degree after the completion of a bachelor's.
Neumann University offers a variety of pre-professional majors for driven college students looking to jumpstart their career post graduation.
Let's take a look at eight pre-professional degrees offered at NU!
In Neumann's Health Sciences undergraduate program, you can choose from one of these three pre-professional tracks:
Demand for physical therapy services will come from the aging baby boomers who are staying active later in life. In addition, physical therapists will be needed to treat people with mobility issues stemming from chronic conditions, such as diabetes or obesity.
Neumann University is excited to offer our Pre-Physical Therapy Program to students who wish to be part of this rapidly growing and rewarding field.
Neumann University is excited to offer our Pre-Occupational Therapy Program to students who wish to be part of this rapidly growing and rewarding field in health care.
The Pre-Occupational Therapy program at Neumann University is an academically rigorous program. Most master’s programs in Occupational Therapy will require students to have achieved a grade of “B” or better in their prerequisite courses and to maintain a cumulative grade point average of a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale throughout their college career.
To become a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) you must receive a bachelor's or master's degree from a college or university with a program that is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) Once the candidate receives their degree they must then pass the national certification examination conducted by the Board of Certification (BOC).
Neumann University offers at Pre-Athletic Training bachelor's program for driven and energetic students looking to work in a specialized health care sector.
Neumann's Department of Arts and Sciences offers five pre-professional programs:
Do you wish to think and problem solve like an engineer? Neumann University has partnered with Drexel University College of Engineering to offer students the ability to obtain a B.S. in Mathematics and a B.S. in Engineering in approximately five years.
This program is highly selective and is only open to those students who have achieved a minimum score of 550 math score on the SAT and a high school GPA of 3.0. Students must maintain a cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.0.
5. Pre-Med
Medical schools seek broadly educated applicants who have a solid foundation in the natural sciences, strong communication and analytical skills, and experience in the health professions in the forms of employment, volunteer work, and /or internships.
Neumann offers a Pre-Med academic option for students who are interested in medical careers to meet as a group with the Pre-Medical Advisor during their freshman and sophomore years. Formal professional advising, however, does not begin until the second semester of the sophomore year and only after the student has applied for the advising process and is interviewed and selected by the members of the Pre-Medical and Pre-Professional Advisory Council of the Division of Arts and Sciences.
6. Pre-Law
Neumann University and Widener University Delaware Law School have created an articulation agreement that will give Neumann first-year students the opportunity to earn a bachelor's degree and a juris doctor degree in just six years.
The Association of American Law Schools recommends that prospective law students have a comprehensive liberal arts background. In accordance with these recommendations, Neumann University has redesigned its curriculum in order to offer a sequence of courses which represents a sound preparation for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and the study of law.
7. Pre-Pharmacy
o you have scientific aptitude, good interpersonal skills, and a desire to help others? Are you conscientious and pay close attention to detail? Do you like the health care field? Then a career as a pharmacist may be right for you.
The Pre-Pharmacy Early Admission program at Neumann University allows academically qualified students to attend Neumann for two years of pre-pharmacy course work before transferring to the either Duquesne University or Wilkes University Doctor of Pharmacy programs.
8. Pre-Chiropractic/Pre-Podiatric
For students considering a career in either chiropractic or podiatric medicine, Neumann University has established educational partnerships with both the Northeast College of Health Sciences in Seneca Falls, NY, and the New York College of Podiatric Medicine in New York, NY.
Students who have been accepted at Neumann and who have declared their intent to continue their studies at either the Northeast College of Health Sciences or the New York College of Podiatric Medicine take three years of prescribed courses at Neumann which lead to a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Biological Science.
career-driven degrees are for mission-driven students.
If you're looking to enroll in an academic program that will prepare you for success after college, you're in luck. Neumann University is dedicated to preparing you for success after college by providing you with academic opportunities that are focused on future career advancement.
If you think you're one of the exceptional and driven students that's cut out for a pre-professional program (and we think you are!), we invite you to request more information today!