So, what is Fire Prevention Week? Why does it matter? How can you get involved?
To answer these questions and to shed light on one unique degree completion program offered at Neumann University that's perfect for adult learners working in the fire service, law enforcement, or emergency medical services fields, we've compiled these key facts for you.
1. Commemorating a Tragedy:
Fire Prevention Week was established to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. The fire began on October 8, 1871 but did most of its damage the next day, on October 9. In 1922, President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed the first National Fire Prevention Week, and since then, the week of October 9 has been used as an opportunity to raise awareness about fire safety.
2. History of FPW Themes:
Every year, there's a unique Fire Prevention Week theme that revolves around one particular actionable way to prevent fires and to increase awareness. Some of the Fire Prevention Week themes over the years have included:
- 1943 Fires Fight for the Axis! (to emphasize home fire prevention)
- 1981 EDITH (Exit Drills In The Home)
- 2006 Prevent Cooking Fires: Watch What You Heat (to raise awareness on cooking-related fires)
- 2010 Smoke Alarms: A Sound You Can Live With (to focus on importance of smoke alarms)
Click here to see a comprehensive list of past Fire Prevention Week themes.
3. Fire Prevention Week 2019:
The Fire Prevention Week campaign of 2019 is “Not Every Hero Wears a Cape. Plan and Practice Your Escape!” This theme "works to educate everyone about the small but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe."
This theme also focuses on escape planning and how practice can help you make the most of the time you have in the event of an in-home fire. The NFPA also provides tips for making your home escape plan.
There's a lot more we could say about Fire Prevention Week and why it matters so much, but we're also here to tell you something very important: Fire prevention matters for literally everyone, and you can make a difference in your lives and in the lives of others. The most important way for you to get involved is to make some changes in your own life in the context of fire safety.
Visit the Fire Prevention Week resource page to learn about more actionable ways you can make a difference in your life and in the lives of your loved ones — including making a home escape plan.
NU's Solution for Service-Oriented Adult Learners:
If you've found the topic of Fire Prevention Week interesting and if you're considering going back to college to earn your four-year degree in a field that will allow you to make a tangible difference in the lives of others, then you're in the right place.
For a future public safety professional who has prior training directly related to a safety-related field (such as a firefighter looking to finish a four-year degree), Neumann University offers a solution for you — an accelerated, degree completion program in Public Safety Administration.
Students who get a Public Safety Administration degree at Neumann are interested in working in a unique administrative environment with specific emphasis on the skills needed to meet the challenges in public safety structures. Students in a public safety administration program will study a number of organizational configurations and how they work in coordination to provide timely and efficient emergency services.
This undergraduate degree completion program is for adults currently working in the fire service, law enforcement, and emergency medical services fields. As part of this program, students will complete in-depth projects that rely on experiential learning elements applicable to a variety of public safety administration situations to foster an understanding of how challenges and opportunities develop in public safety administration settings, and what is needed to effectively address real-world issues in these environments.
Graduates of the Public Safety Administration degree completion program will be able to:
• Demonstrate the ability to think critically and creatively in public safety administration problem-solving
• Write, present, and communicate effectively
• Identify and describe key functions and competencies to be effective in today’s public safety administration environments
• Describe public safety organizational dynamics through multiple perspectives
• Apply the body of knowledge to real-world public safety issues through experiential learning projects
Join a Community of Changemakers at NU:
At Neumann University, our community is alive with intellectual energy and creativity. The Faculty who teach the courses in this degree completion program are experts with real-world training, allowing you to learn from professionals who have on-the-ground experience in your particular field of interest.
If you're interested in pursuing the Public Safety Administration bachelor's degree at Neumann University, we encourage you to request more information today. We can't wait to hear from you!