The McNichol Room comes alive with a captivating symphony of colors, an intricate masterpiece...
Lifestyle (4)
Origami paper stars grant good luck
The art of folding paper stars has increased in popularity over the past year due to it being...
A Halloween adventure at Six Flags fright fest
Halloween is about scaring yourself or scaring others.
Community Leaders in Service at Saint Francis Inn
There is a modest street lined with row houses in Kensington, Philadelphia, ground zero for...
What being Hispanic means at Neumann University
Hispanic Heritage Month was celebrated from September to 15 to October 15, and across the region...
Best Ways to Shop for Fall/Winter
We all know that winter and fall are coming fast. Now is a great time to start shopping for your...
Tattooed moms come to campus
Tattoos have long been associated with sailors and criminals, but in an art exhibit at Neumann...
Eric Nam Redefining Success with “House on a Hill”
With a fabricated and overly glamorized music industry in the states, Eric Nam questions and...
ADHD and Me radio show
Neumann University’s Communications and Digital Media department is empowering creativity within...
Presence is Perfection
Whether it be baking cookies for a long bus ride, offering homework help, listening when a team...